We have been made aware hat a number of staff are going to be requiring the Zoom meeting client installed onto their laptops for trainings and meetings with the Local Authority. Please see the following help guide on how you can download the client direct to your laptop.
Step 1)
Firstly head to the bottom of this how to guide window and download the 'ZoomInstaller.exe' attachment.
Step 2)
Once it has been downloaded, double click on the installer icon from either the bottom of your web browser or by going to your File Explorer and then heading to downloads.
Step 3)
Once clicked you will see the following window showing the installation is initialising.
Step 4)
Once this initialising has been completed the software will have been installed and it will then auto open displaying the following screen.
You are now all set and ready to go for your Zoom meetings. When you receive a meeting to join via email, simply click on the link which will redirect you to the web page, you can then launch the meeting to the desktop app.
Please Note: The use of Zoom should only be used for external training sessions or meetings with the council. No internal or remote learning sessions should be held on this platform. Please remain using Microsoft Teams and our cloud platform for this purpose.